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Sodium free water

At Durrah Al-Khaleej Company, we have produced sodium-free drinking water due to its significant importance. Removing sodium plays a crucial role in controlling the composition of water to achieve maximum benefits and hydration. The risk of salt sensitivity increases with age, as it has a direct impact on the health of certain individuals with specific health conditions.

Yes, it is the first water from Nikolai in Iraq, free of copper, locally manufactured with international standards, and shines with the most meticulous specialized technical teams specialized in the daily release of zero sodium water. This product was built and planned years ago and strategically included the company in developing new production lines. It meets the needs of a large audience of people who need to meet their health needs, such as advanced ages, athletes, and a completely new lifestyle. Yes, we proudly present to you the first Zero Sodium Water from Al-Mishkeh in Iraq.

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Benefits and Features of Sodium-Free Water :
The main benefits of sodium-free water are:

  • 1- Maintaining heart health: Reducing sodium intake can be beneficial for heart health and contribute to lowering blood pressure.

  • 2- Maintaining kidney health: Reducing sodium in the diet can be beneficial for the kidneys, as it helps maintain water balance in the body.

  • 3- Suitable for special diets: It is preferred for individuals following special dietary plans or those with health conditions that require reducing sodium and choosing sodium-free water.

  • 4- Suitable for special diets: It is preferred for individuals following special dietary plans or those with health conditions that require reducing sodium and choosing sodium-free water.

  • 5- Controlling bloating and swelling: Helps reduce bloating and swelling in the body.

  • 6- Healthy hydration: It is a healthy choice for daily hydration without adding excessive amounts of salt.